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Using a photo for you desk top background

Most photos can be used for desktop backgrounds the only thing is if you set a photo as your desktop background you'll never get the whole image to show because photographs are just to big.

For example the image below is a photo I took from my back yard.

When I try to add it to my desktop as is this is what it looks like.

As you can see only part of my image is visible on my desk top.

So here is how I fixed it, you'll need to know the resolution of your screen, on your desktop right click on your mouse and select "Screen Resolution" from the menu. In the image that pops up make a note of the screen resolution mine is 1680x1050 for my screen, always go with the resolution that is recommended for your screen, it'll have "recommended" in brackets.

Next open your image in PSP and go to Image, Resize, enter the dimensions you made note of,making sure that the Lock Aspect Ratio is turned of and you select Pixels and not percent. See below.

Save your new image give it a new name, and now you can use this image as your desktop background and it will show properly.

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