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Blue Fairy

NO OUTSIDE FILTERS. I wrote this tut myself so I hope some one gives this a try. I'm assuming you have a good general knowledge of psp. DO NOT CLAIM THIS TUT AS YOUR OWN TUBE:Enamorte, license needed for this one. Can be purchased at Creative Designs Outlet. Font: Pink Ladies and Peanut butter. 1-New image 900x550, select all, open the tube and the tube JPEG in psp. 2-Copy/paste the jpeg image into selections. 3-Gassian Blur 30 4-Artist Effects/Posterize 5-Adjust/Hue & Saturation, settings:164/185 6-Duplicate layer, Image/Mirror/Flip. 7-Lower opacity to 50%, merge visible 8-Effects/Image Effects/Image Off Set - (minus) 450, 0 9-Duplicate layer, Image/Mirror, merge visible. 10-Edge Effects/Enhance 11-Effects/Image Effects/Seamless tile, use default. 12-Duplicate layer, resize 80% 13-Effects/Edge Effects/Erode 14-Effects/Edge Effects/Enhance. 15-Add a drop shadow, 0,0,100,38 16-Copy/Paste large close, paste as new layer, move to the right. 17-Resize tube 80% and add same drop shadow as before. 18-Change blend mode to Luminance legacy. 19-Edge/Edge Effects/Enhance 20-Copy/paste medium sized tube as new layer, place to the left. 21-Add same drop shadow. 22-Activate the bottom layer, Edit/Copy 23-Layers merge visible. 24-Image/Add Borders 5 pixels Black 25-Image/Add Borders 2 pixels colour # 2033C9. 26-Image/Add Borders 5 pixels Black. 27-Image/Add Borders 35 White, using magic wand select white border. 28-Edit/Paste/Paste Into Selection. 29-Effects/Texture Effects/Mosaic Glass, use default settings. 30-Select none. 31-Add name and © info. 32-Image/Resize 900 pixels. Done.

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